LLC Registration (All States)
The state registration of your business name.

EIN Request (Via IRS)
Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assigns to business entities operating in the United States. The EIN serves the same purpose to businesses as Social Security to individuals.

(New/Reactivations/Revocation/Updates/Reattachment) – Interstate Authority
An MC number is attached to the USDOT when an owner-operator expands to deliver cargo crossing state lines.

Broker Authority (New/Reactivations/Revocation/Updates/Reattachment)
A broker is a business that arranges the transportation of cargo belonging to others by using owner-operators to provide the actual transportation of the cargo.

FF (New/Reactivations/Revocation/Updates/Reattachment)
A freight forwarder company arranges the shipping and warehousing of goods on behalf of its customers.

(New/MCS-15O Updates/Bi-ennial Updates/Reactivations/Revocations) – Intrastate Authority
USDOT is required for Intrastate Cargo transportation.

New Authority Packages

  • (Carrier Package)
    Includes (MC/DOT/BOC-3/UCR-Year/Letter of Authority)
  • (Broker Package)
    Includes (MC/DOT/BOC-3/UCR-Year/Letter of Authority)
  • (FF Package)
    Includes (FF/DOT/BOC-3/UCR-Year/Letter of Authority)

BOC-3 Filing
The BOC-3 is the designated agent who will receive and deliver legal documents to owner-operators.

UCR Yearly Filings/Renewals
It is required to be obtained/renewed every calendar year. The UCR is in place to notify the FMCSA how many units are operating under the authority.

Certificate Of Authority:
The certificate of authority confirms your authority is compliant with the regulations set by the FMCSA.

Intrastate Operating Authority (If applicable in your state)
Contact us to verify if your state requires an Intrastate Authority.

State Permits (New/Renewals/Temporary) Jurisdictions including:
OR – A unit with a GVWR over 26,000 lbs requires a permit.
CT – A unit with a GVWR over 26,000 lbs requires a permit.
KY KYU – A unit with a GVWR over 59,999 lbs requires a permit.
KY KIT – Intrastate Tax: A KY jurisdiction based unit with a GVWR of 26,000 lbs requires a permit.
NM WDT – A unit with a GVWR over 26,000 lbs requires a permit.
NY – A unit with a GVWR over 18,000 lbs requires a permit.

CA Number



"Lets Get Your Business On The Road"

Our competent and knowledgeable staff has a total combined industry experience of 7 years in the transportation industry. We continually add services at our customers' request to keep pace with industry demands.

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